Foreign languages Guide|Manko Waterbird & Wetland Center 漫湖湿地水鸟保护中心

English Guide        简体中文介绍        繁體中文介紹

English Guide|Manko Waterbird & Wetland Center 英語版 案内

■Welcome to Manko

Manko, a Ramsar site, is the place where you can discover diverse ecosystems just near the heart of populouse Naha city. Manko is an important stopover and wintering site for shorebirds, and a home to thousands of benthos and fish. Black-faced Spoonbill, an endangered species, visits Manko in winter.

The wetland itself is small but has various types of habitat. Most part of the wetland is mudflat (47ha), which is appeared at low tide. Mangrove forest distributes along the southern shore, and small patches of reeds are also found.

■Hours and Fees

Opening Hours
Close Monday (except national holidays), New Years (from 29-Dec to 03-Jan), and the anniversary of the end of the battle in Okinawa (23-Jun)


■Maps and Directions

●Manko Waterbird & Wetland Center @ Google Map

By Monorail
The closest monorail station to Manko waterbird and wetland center is “Onoyama-koen Station”. From the station, it is an easy 1.2 km walk, takes about 15 minutes.
Another option is to get off at “Tsubogawa Station” and then walk from there along Kokuba river and Manko wetland. A pleasant 1.5km (20min) walk leads you to Manko waterbird and wetland center as you observe birds and other wildlife.

By Bus
The closest bus station to Manko waterbird and wetland center is “Oroku Station”. From the station, it is an easy 650m walk, takes about 8 minutes.
Bus Number:[9] [11] [55] [88] [101] [105] [446]

By Car
From Downtown Naha, Okinawa Prefectural Office, 15 min

Follow Route 329 toward Yonabaru and take right turn at Toyomioohasi-nishi junction. Then take the first corner right to narrow road and follow. There is a sign before the corner, however it is often covered with trees and not easy to spot. You will find red-roofed building on your right side and that is our wetland center.

From Naha Airport, 20 min
Take route 332 and follow the sign to Naha city center. Turn right at Meijibashi junction and follow route 329 toward Yonabaru. Please refer from the direction from “Downtown Naha” for the rest of the guidance.

By Air
Naha airport is just 4 km away from Manko waterbird and wetland center. You can take taxi from the airport (20min, JPY 1,000-1,300), or take monorail to “Onoyama-koen Station”. Direction from “Onoyama-koen Station” is detailed above in the “By monorail” section.

■Attractions at Manko Waterbird and Wetland Center

Exhibition Room
This small room provides you a comprehensive overview of Manko wetland. Informative exhibitions, including diorama, touch screen database, and exhibit panels, explain you the ecology, history and cultural importance of Manko wetland. Short movie (15min; English and Japanese version available) is screened upon your request.

Observation Deck
A great view of Manko is there just in front of you. You can see the mud flat stretches over Toyomi Bridge, where a hundreds of shorebirds can be seen in winter. 20-60x zoom telescopes will help you to watch the birds from a distance. Black-faced Spoonbill may be spotted, so please check them during their visiting season (Nov-Apr). Field guides and other books are stored next to the observation deck for reference.

Lecture Room
The lecture room, with a capacity for 60 people, is the venue for workshops and events. We organize various events, including art and craft workshops, environmental education lectures, and bird walks, in order to raise awareness about conservation issues in and around Manko. This room is also open to the qualified individuals and groups for their environment related activities. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to use the room.

Board Walk
Explore mangrove forest a through a wooden boardwalk. You’ll be able to refresh yourself in the relaxing atmosphere in the mangrove forest, and might forget that you are in the middle of the city. At low tide, various species of crabs feed leaves and detritus while Mud Skippers hop around the mud flats. Waterbirds also can be seen in a close distance, as they feed fish, crabs and sandworms on the mud flats. This board walk will give you an impressive experience of an amazing ecosystem of Manko wetland.

■Wetland Center’s Rules

  • Children under 6 years must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Do not eat, drink, smoke in the wetland center.
  • No pets allowed except guide dogs.
  • Do not lean out of the window, and avoid other risky behavior. Please always be cautious to your children when you accompany with them.
  • Do not touch the exhibitions unless it is noted.
  • Please make sure that your shoes are clean enough before entering the wetland center.
  • Do not run around or speak loudly in the wetland center. Please respect other visitors and do not disturb them.
  • Please take your garbage with you.
  • Please ask our staff before you take photos in the wetland center. Some of our exhibitions are copyrighted, and not allowed to duplicate them without the permission of the copyright owner .
  • Do not disturb waterbirds and other wildlife. Please remember that Manko is designated as a special protection zone and protected by law.
  • Do not take out or remove crabs, mudskippers and other wildlife from where you found them. If you are planning research activities at Manko, please consult us before you start.

■Useful Links

  • Okinawa Story — by Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau (OCVB). This site provides you basic tourist information of Okinawa, including accomodation, transportation, and destination guide in 9 different languages.
  • Naha Navi — by Naha City Tourism Assosiation. This site is the source of useful information, such as event guide, acitivities, dinning, and accomodation information , for tourist traveling Naha city.  A sightseeing map of Naha city is avaliable in 4 different langages (English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese).
  • IBAs in Japan — by Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ). This is a database of all the 167 IBA in Japan. The database contains site discription, map, and birds informaton (breeding resident, visitor, etc.).

■Contact Us

Manko Waterbird and Wetland Center
Tomigusuku 982, Tomigusuku City, Okinawa prefecture, Japan
TEL: +81-98-840-5121 (Japanese only)
FAX: +81-98-840-5118

You can also use an inqury form, and send us message. Please fill in the blank with your name(top), E-mail address, tittle, and your message (bottom) and then press “送信” button below.

中文介绍|漫湖水鸟湿地保护中心 简体中文版 介绍


临近繁华的那霸市区,漫湖作为都市中的宝贵湿地生态系统登录于湿地公约(英文:Ramsar Convention),在此您能观察到水鸟、弹涂鱼、螃蟹等多样生物。漫湖是鹬科鸟类重要的迁徙中途停留区和越冬地,也是数千种底栖生物和鱼类的家园。濒危的珍稀鸟类黑脸琵鹭也会在冬季造访漫湖。

漫湖湿地面积并不算广阔,但有多种类型的生态环境。 退潮后,湿地会露出约40000平方米的大面积泥滩。湿地南岸则分布着红树林,以及小片芦苇荡。





●漫湖水鸟湿地保护中心 @ 谷歌地图


可乘坐线路有:[9]小禄石嶺線;[11]安岡宇栄原線;[55]牧港線;[88]宜野湾線;[101]平和台安謝線循環;[105]豊見城市内一周線; [446]那覇糸満線


沿国道 329 号线与那原方向行驶,在丰见桥西路口右转。 然后在第一个拐角处右转至狭窄的道路并继续前行。 拐角前有一个标识,标识容易被植物覆盖,需要您特别注意。 只后将在您的右侧找到红顶建筑,那就是我们的湿地中心。

沿 332 号公路行驶,按照指示牌前往那霸市中心。 在明治桥路口右转,沿国道 329 号线向与那原方向行驶。 之后的路线同“从那霸市县厅出发”。

那霸机场距离漫湖水鸟湿地保护中心仅4公里。 您可以从机场乘坐出租车(约20 分钟,1,000-1,300 日元),或乘坐轻轨至“奥武山公园站”。 从“奥武山公园站”出发的路线在上面的“乘坐轻轨”部分中有详细说明。


1楼展示厅将让您介绍漫湖湿地。展示厅内有信息丰富的展板,以及立体模型、触摸屏数据库和放映屏等,向您充分介绍漫湖湿地的生态、历史和文化重要性。放映屏可根据您的需求播放短片(15 分钟,提供英文和日文版本)。

在2楼观景窗可以一览漫湖美景。您可以看到绵延于丰见大桥下的泥滩,特别是在冬季可以在此看到数百只渡冬的鹬科鸟类。 20-60 倍变焦望远镜将帮助您从远处更清晰观察鸟类。如果您希望观察或拍摄珍稀的黑脸琵鹭,建议您在冬春季节(11月至4月)期间到访。鸟类图鉴指南和各类专业书籍设置于一楼和在观景窗旁边以供参考。

可容纳 60 人的活动室是举办研讨会和活动的场所。保护中心不定期组织各种活动,包括艺术和手工艺研讨会、环境教育讲座和鸟类知识讲座,以提高人们对漫湖及其周边地区保护意识。活动室也向一般民众和团体开放,可以在此进行与环境相关的活动。如果您想申请使用活动室,请随时与我们联系。



  1. 6岁以下儿童必须由成人陪同。
  2. 请勿在保护中心饮食、吸烟。
  3. 除导盲犬外,不允许携带宠物进入。
  4. 请勿将身体探出窗外,并避免其他危险行为。陪伴您的孩子时,请务必注意安全。
  5. 除特别标注,请勿触摸展品。
  6. 进入保护中心前,请在脚垫上擦去鞋底砂石。
  7. 请勿在保护中心奔跑或大声说话。尊重其他访客,请勿打扰他人。
  8. 垃圾请自行带走。
  9. 请勿打扰水鸟和其他野生动物。谨记漫湖已被指定为特别保护区并受法律保护。
  10. 请勿从您发现螃蟹、弹涂鱼和其他野生动物的地方移动或带走它们。如果您希望在漫湖湿地开展科学研究活动,请在开始之前联络保护中心。


  • “冲绳物语 VISIT OKINAWA JAPAN” — 由冲绳观光会议局(OCVB)运营。 此网站以 9 种语言为您提供冲绳的基本旅游信息,包括住宿、交通和目的地指南。
  • “那霸指南NAHANAVI” — 由那霸市观光协会运营。 该网站为到访那霸市的观光客提供介绍指南、娱乐、餐饮和住宿信息等实用信息。 提供 4 种语言版本(英语、中文、韩语和日语)那霸市的观光介绍页面。
  • “IBAs in Japan”— 由日本野鸟协会 (WBSJ)运营。 这是日本所有 167 个 IBA(Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas,重要野鸟栖息地 ) 的数据库。 该数据库包含栖息地介绍、地图和鸟类信息(留鸟、候鸟等)。


TEL: +81-98-840-5121
FAX: +81-98-840-5118
Twitter: @Mankomizudori
FB/IG: @mankowaterbirdandwetlandcenter

您也可以到访我们的咨询页面向保护中心发送信息。 请在“お名前 (必須)”处填入您的姓名,在“メールアドレス (必須)”处填入您的邮箱,在“題名”和“メッセージ本文”处分别输入邮件标题和邮件正文。最后点击“送信”按钮进行发送。

中文介紹|漫湖水鳥濕地保護中心 繁體中文版 介紹





閉館 週一(節假日除外)、元旦(12月29日-1月3日)、休戰紀念日日(6月23日)






漫湖水鳥-濕地中心距離那霸機場大約4公里。從機場駕車來本中心可以沿332號公路往那霸市中心方向開。在明治橋岔路口右轉,順著329號公路向與那原方向開。之後的路線請參考“從那霸市中心出發”的路線。 您還可以乘坐出租車前來。(大約20分鐘,車資為1,000~1,300日元)。如果乘坐單軌電車請參考如上電車路線。







  1. 未滿6歲的兒童需要成人陪同。
  2. 不得在中心內吃東西喝飲料或吸煙。
  3. 不允許導盲犬以外的寵物入內。
  4. 不得坐在窗台上,不得有危險舉動。帶有兒童的客人請隨時注意兒童的行為。
  5. 不得觸摸展覽品。
  6. 不得在濕地中心亂跑或大聲說話。請尊重其他遊客,請勿給其他遊客帶來不便。
  7. 這裡沒有垃圾箱,如有垃圾請自行帶走。
  8. 請勿打擾水鳥或其他野生生物。漫湖為特別保護區,受到法律保護。
  9. 不得將螃蟹、廣東彈塗魚或其他野生生物從發現它們的地方挪動走或帶回家。如果需要在漫湖進行調查活動,請事先聯絡本中心。


  • “沖繩物語” — 沖繩會議觀光招商局製作 該網站以9種語言提供關於住宿、交通、景點等基本觀光資訊。
  • “那霸指南” — 那霸市觀光協會製作 該網站會介紹各種活動、餐飲、住宿等有用的資訊。以4種語言提供那霸市觀光地圖(英文、中文、韓文、日文)
  • “日本重要鳥類棲息地”— 日本野鳥協會製作 該網站是介紹日本全境所有的重要鳥類棲息地的數據庫。該數據庫有網站、地圖、鳥類(繁殖中的鳥、候鳥)等資訊。


TEL: +81-98-840-5121
FAX: +81-98-840-5118

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