漫湖で活動する|Get Involved

ボランティア活動 Volunteering
Manko Mizudori Wetland Center is recruiting volunteers. We hope that through the dissemination and awareness of the natural environment of Manko and assisting with investigations, events, and other activities, volunteers can deepen the knowledge and interest of citizens about Manko.
In addition, the “Manko Mizudori Wetland Center Children’s Eco Club” is also active, targeting elementary school students and above.

Here is a link to past volunteer activities.

調査・研究 Research study
We are collecting information on the natural environment and history of Manko Wetland, and cooperating in research activities for the conservation and use of Manko Wetland. If you are planning research activities at Manko Wetland, please consider using the Center as your activity base. We also ask for your cooperation in the pre-survey application procedure.


その他 Other activities

・ゴミ拾い等の清掃活動 Cleaning activities such as garbage picking

毎年6~7月頃には漫湖自然環境保全連絡協議会 主催の「漫湖チュラカーギ作戦」、12月には国場川水系環境保全推進協議会 主催の「国場川水あしび」といった住民参加型の清掃や自然体験イベントが実施されています。
Every year, around June to July, the “Manko Churakagi Operation” sponsored by the Manko Natural Environment Conservation Liaison Council, and in December, the “Kokoba River Cleanup” sponsored by the Kokoba River Water System Environmental Conservation Promotion Council, are held. These are citizen-participatory cleaning and nature experience events.

Here are some links to past cleanup activities.
Blog:6/21 ちゅらかーぎ大作戦!!
YouTube:漫湖チュラカーギ作戦 vol.32

Crab/fish collecting for personal hobbies or summer vacation research

Because Manko Wetland is a National Wildlife Protection Area , capturing birds or cutting down trees is prohibited, but there is no problem with fishing or collecting crabs. However, collection on the center property is prohibited.
Please observe and collect while being considerate not to startle the wild birds.



For more details, please contact the Manko Waterbird and Wetland Center.

〒901-0241 沖縄県 豊見城市 字豊見城982
TEL 098-840-5121
FAX 098-840-5118
